Issue One:
it’s all a blur
Parties with friends, the story of how your parents met, the history of your neighborhood, an old recipe you can’t seem to track. You remember parts, but maybe not the whole thing. What’s left? What have you held onto?
In this issue, we’ll explore what it means to have certain memories that you cannot fully access and how nostalgia can mold them into something else entirely.
Through looking to the past for reassurance, we’ll dive into the blur together for answers.
Issue One: it’s all a blur is slated to release in early 2025.
Submissions for
Issue One
are now open!
Submissions close on January 16th, 2025!
Submission Guidelines:
Send your submission via email to
Subject line
Your name (or Anonymous) and the category/genre you're submitting for
Ex: Diana Ross – Fiction Submission
Body of the email
Title of piece(s)
Category/genre (ex: non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc.)
Confirmation that the piece is your work and that you will inform us if it is published elsewhere.
Optional: website or social media handle (i.e. Substack, Instagram, Twitter)
A brief bio.
Word count: up to 3000
You can include the full piece or the outline along with examples of your work that bear similarities.
Be sure to explain your reasonings as to why it’s fitting for this particular theme.
Word count: up to 2500
Please include a sample headline and estimated word count.
Provide a few sentences about your idea. What is your perspective? How does it lend itself to the theme of the issue?
If your idea is still in the works feel free to include references and links that serve as inspiration or that capture the approach you’re hoping to take along with an explanation of how you’ll make it your own.
1 – 3 poems, final piece(s), or the outline along with examples of your work that bear similarity.
Up to 10 images, can be edited or unedited with details and descriptions as to how the final images will appear.
Wild Card!
There are so many different mediums that can fit in each issue. Think there’s something you can offer that doesn’t fall into the categories listed above? Is it a horoscope column? An I-Spy? An interview? Do tell!
Specify your desired medium and how you envision it fitting in the theme and the printing format.